Incubating Automatic Identification & Data Capture technologies and professional suppliers

Service Categories

As the company name implies, we provide with 40+ professional services helping suppliers strongly access our and domestic resources, saving time and cost.

To get more details, on these services, their pricing and package bundling contract us for a better and detailed presentation.


Regional data outsourcing

Direct and telemarketing

Tradeshow support

Arabic translation of  paper and electronic literature

Regional newsletter distribution


Finding new & boosting old resellers

Sales order support

Indirect sales

Demo kit offering

Customer & Technical Support:

System integration of hardware with software for complete solutions

Big project delivery assistance

First aid technical support and diagnosis


General consultancy on region

Advising on right product selection for market

Reseller Management Services:

Repair RMA management and support

Domestic sample and literature distribution

Local training and presentations

Satisfaction survey applications

Supplier Regional Office services:

Hiring and managing sales assistants and account managers

Advises on best banks, office locations and logistic companies

Managing third party logistics

Providing meeting and presentation spaces

Assisting in obtaining business visas

Providing lower cost  forwarders

Building knowledge base on market and local news

Other Services:

Reseller evaluation

Roadshow support

Web domain registration

Domestic economic printing service and distribution

Domestic repair service